Silverman Law Office, PLLC Legal Helper Scholarship
The caring and trustworthy lawyers, paralegals and office staff at Silverman Law Office, PLLC is proudly committed to helping people with their legal needs. Unlike many law offices today, we have prioritized putting our clients first in everything we do for them. We believe that with the way we run our practice, we are setting an example and helping to change the legal culture of how clients are treated and the relationships they have with their legal counsel, for the better.

We feel fortunate that we are able to offer a wide range of legal services to help people with legal problems they cannot solve on their own. At the end of the day, we feel good about what we’ve done and how we’ve helped to relieve our clients of their legal burdens. To this end, we’ve created the Silverman Law Office, PLLC Legal Helper Scholarship for a student who is dedicated to providing legal help and services to others.

We know that a career in law is just one of the many noble avenues a student can choose in order to pursue helping others with their legal issues. We believe that with our help of funding the education of a student who is like-minded and with similar values to those we model in our practice, we will be helping to improve the field of law and other disciplines that help people with their legal issues, and to thus make the world a more compassionate place.

External Scholarships